I hope you were all pleased to see the good news that we can return to rugby.
Please bear in mind that we still have to operate within the Government restrictions
for Tier 2.

The bar and clubhouse will not be opening, but we will work on a formula for
bringing changing rooms back into use.
For now, we are all keen to get back to training, having been in complete lockdown
for four weeks. We will return at Stage D and review at Christmas whether we move
to Stage E activity in the New Year.
Mini rugby will recommence from this Sunday 6th December, to be run in line with
the staggered timings and guidelines previously in place. We encourage coaches and
parents to make Sunday 20 December a joyful Christmas session for all.
Youth rugby will use December and January as a ‘pre-season’ (i.e. training and no
contact matches) with a view to playing the modified 15-a-side game from the end of
January assuming that the broader COVID 19 situation progresses.
Ready4Rugby touch can be played during December and January as an internal competition within
the club or with external opponents who are observing all the relevant Government
and RFU guidance. Midweek training will be available as will Sunday training
working to the staggered attendance arrangement.
Senior men’s rugby will focus on the same formula as youth. Contact rugby without
preparation time comes with a high risk of injury.
The Ladies team have taken the decision to focus on fitness and education throughout
December ready to return to training in January.
We have some significant clubhouse works to be undertaken in December, so the
clubhouse will not be available. Hopefully, we can get the floor replaced and the leaks
I hope this all comes as good news. It is not simply a case of walking back in and
starting up again. I hope you understand why we want to move cautiously.
Stay safe.
On behalf of the Committee and Coaches
Eddie Keal
Chairman, Ruislip RFC
07930 378695